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Hadas Rahamim avatar
Written by Hadas Rahamim
Updated over a week ago

A sequence is like a campaign or a playbook, and it consists of templates for emails, text and chats.

Here you will be able to modify the templates and create new ones.

In each sequence that is created, we have placed our guided templates that we use for some of our sequences, with various use cases: Demo, Reengage Past Customers, Meeting No Show, Chat, and more.

For each template, you are able to personalize and create variants for A/B testing and audiences based on variables such as industry, role, etc. 

To learn more, check this article: Optimize your sequences with A/B testing!

When can I create a new sequence?

New target audience? Want to start your own eBook sequence? It's time to create a new sequence!

Here at, you can open as many sequences as you want. Simply go to sequences and click the "New Sequence" button.

Bellow are list of sections, used for messages setup

💧 Start the Conversation (Status = Approached)

These are the messages that you will send to contacts to get their attention. 

  • Our templates are in place and all you have to do is edit them to make them relevant to your product name / benefits / problem solving solution. The templates are completely flexible, so feel free to modify them according to your tone and brand.

  • In all the Follow-Up templates, you are able to do the following:
    * Set the title as a reply (thread) to the previous email sent. This is done by activating the toggle labeled “send as a reply”.
    * Edit the days in between emails that are sent  

  • The number of Follow-Up emails can be increased / removed to fit into your sequence strategy. 

  • You are able to include variables in your messages. I.e. First Name, Company Name, Industry, etc. There is also a meeting scheduling feature that is exclusive to, which is explained below in the Engaged section.
    * Please ensure per each used variable, that you have a value for all of the contacts (either via CSV upload or CRM integration) and set up a fallback value under the Variables section.

✴️ Engage (Status = Engaged)

Engage templates appear only for sequences that leverage the Qualifying Question feature. They are used in cases where a contact responds to one of your “Start the Conversation”, without providing an answer to the qualifying question. It is usually a question/objection. Hence, would try to provide an answer along with asking the qualifying question again.

The follow-up messages for this sequence are there to keep engaging with the contact if they go dark after receiving the first engaged response. As with the Get Attention messages, you can add and remove as many Follow Up templates as you would like. 

Meeting Scheduling Feature

The meeting scheduling feature allows your sales reps to connect their calendars so that can present available time slots to contacts, directly through a message. 

The sales reps need to sync their Google or Outlook calendar with, and set up their preferences for availability.
See this article for additional information: Rep Account Setup (My Account)

If you would like to add the meeting scheduler, just add the Meeting Scheduler variable from the list (available under Other).

✅ Handover to Human Rep (Status = Assigned)

This is the handover message that will loop the rep into the conversation with the contact. In case a meeting wasn't set, a handover follow-up message would be sent.

Once this message is sent, the virtual assistant does not respond to any more messages from the contact, in case the contact cc'd the rep.

Meeting Invite

This message will be sent automatically from the rep's calendar to a contact that has chosen a time slot through the meeting scheduler in the message.

Meeting Confirmation 

This message is sent when a meeting has been scheduled between the human rep and the contact. 

Alternative Time Suggestions 

If a contact asks to meet at a time that is not suitable to the human rep’s calendar, this message will be sent with alternative time suggestions. 

Loop rep back in

Sent when contact responds to virtual assistant after the handover.

Once the virtual assistant hands over to the human rep, it knows not to respond to any future message from the contact. However, if the contact responds to the virtual assistant without including the human rep, the virtual assistant will loop the human rep back into the conversation. 

✖️ End (Status = Ended)

A message that is sent to a contact that opts out, unsubscribes, saying they aren't interested, etc. 

📧 Out Of Office And Contact Me Later

Out of Office Recapture 

When your virtual assistant receives an OOO from a contact, it knows to go dormant and pick up the conversation where it left off before the OOO was received. 

This is the message that is sent to the contact when they are back in the office. 

Contact Later Confirmation 

If a contact asks to be contacted at a later stage, the virtual assistant will send a confirmation message and put the contact on hold until the follow-up day arrives.

Contact Later Recapture

When a contact asks to be contacted at a later time, our system knows to go dormant and reach out at the proposed date/time requested by the contact.

Want to learn more about Exceed status options? Click here to read the article:
What are the different status options?

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