A/B testing allows you to test various versions of your sequence copy against each other and determine which produces the most positive results.
Determine what you want to test
Although you might want to test everything, it's important to decide on one thing you want to test and optimize for each experiment. Otherwise, it will be difficult to pinpoint the reason for the performance of each variant.
Suggested testing:
Subject Line
First sentence in the template
Adding personalization using variables
Length of the template
Testimonials and case study - whether to add them
Call to action (set a meeting, asking a question, etc.)
Customer created copy or ChatGPT copy
Set up an A/B test
Inside each sequence, Exceed has provided a default template which includes a default Audience and Variant(s) set for you (depending on the selected use case upon creating a new sequence). After personalizing, crafting and editing your variant, you can choose whether to duplicate that variant and change elements of it or add a new, blank variant and create it from scratch.
How will you know which messaging is more successful?
Exceed.ai will run your defined test and show you the winning variant according to the best response rate. The winning variant will be visible in the Messaging Performance section of your Sequence Report, where you can click on the purple badge and view additional details of the given experiment:
You will also be able to track additional metrics such as open rate, click rate and opt-out rate. If you wish to continue running your sequence with the best performing variant, all you have to do is disable the other variants in that specific template in the Messages Setup, where you will also see an indication of the winner:
That's it! You're all set!
Feel free to reach out to our support team via the Customer Care Communications Portal.