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Why isn't my virtual assistant sending out emails?
Why isn't my virtual assistant sending out emails?

Your sequence hasn't started to send emails? Your virtual assistant isn't working? This article is for you

Hadas Rahamim avatar
Written by Hadas Rahamim
Updated over 2 years ago had put in place several boundaries to make sure emails are being sent to the right contacts at the right time.  

Let's start reviewing them, from the straightforward to the more advanced ones 😉. 

  • Is your sequence active?

    Under the sequences menu, you can find all your sequences. Make sure that the relevant sequence is active. In the example below, the Inbound Lead - call is active while the Outbound Template is inactive and no emails will be sent out from it. 

  • Do you have contacts in your sequence?
    In the example below, there aren't yet any contacts added into the sequence (and it isn't turned on). Therefore, no emails will be sent out. 

  • Is it already time to send out messages to a particular contact? sends out messages according to the contact's time zone: between 07:30 a.m. and 19:30 p.m., excluding weekends and holidays.

    *In cases where doesn't have a specific time zone per contact, the Sequence time zone or the Project time zone would be taken into effect.
    Check out this article for additional info

  • Do you have enough quota to send out messages?

There are two places in Exceed that limit the number of emails that can be sent out per day. 

  1.  The number of new contacts to start a sequence with every day: 

Under the sequence settings tab, you can view and edit the daily limit for new contacts:

2. Number of daily emails sent by each virtual assistant
Under the virtual assistant settings, you can see the daily limit for all emails and how many have already sent today:

  • Is there a Priority Sequence that is draining your daily quota?
    Priority sequences get their emails sent before other sequences, listed under the same virtual assistant. This is defined under the sequence settings tab:

  • Is your virtual assistant set up properly? Can it send out messages?
    Kindly Navigate to Virtual Assistants > Click on one of them > next to the signature, click on Test and check whether you receive an email.
    In case no email was received, it means the virtual assistant isn't set properly. To sort this out, go to Email Integration (under the virtual assistant page) > Sync with your provider:

If none of the above solves your problem, be sure to reach out to us via the Customer Care Communications Portal.

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